SciFi Mega Crossover Wikia

The Terran Federation was a strictly organized hierarchy, especially when it came to military endeavors. As such, numerous ranks existed in its military structure. These included:

  • Trooper: one of the lowest ranks, Troopers made up the brunt of the Federation's military forces.
  • Squad Leader: squad leaders were responsible for a single squadron of five or six individuals.
  • Battle Commander: a rank used to denote a step above squad leader. They made tactical decisions in battle, based upon the actions of other squads, though battle commanders were still in charge of only one squadron.
    • Person4

      A battle fleet commander

      Battle Fleet Commander: this title was reserved specifically for battle commanders who handled squadrons of spaceships.
  • Sergeant
  • Sergeant-Major
  • Section Leader
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Sub-Commander
  • Commander
    • Base Commander: while not a typical rank, because it could be held by civilians and technicians as well, base commanders were assigned specific bases that they controlled.
    • Brigade Commander
    • Space Commander
  • Colonel
  • General
  • Admiral


The Terran Federation ranks are derived from Blake's 7.
